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Pathan Rasula, Haseena and Irfan are three brothers and sisters, children of Pathan Chand Basha (38 years old) and Maha Munnisa (33 years old). Pathan Chand Basha was a rickshaw driver, earning 9,000 rupees a month (just over 100 euros a month). Little, very little, but somehow he managed to take care of the basic needs of the family. Sadly, he contracted Covid and passed away on May 2, 2021.

As many as 900 families in similar circumstances have officially registered in the area in which Care & Share operates. They are despairing for the loss of their father and husband but also for the loss of their main, possibily only, source of income. Supporting a family like this involves providing at least one month of financial support to gusarantee an education for the children and provide a job opportunity for mothers in order to give them long-term independence.

When you donate € 1,000 you are providing integrated help and a way for family to achieve independence.


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Item #P64982

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