Yes, it is possible to change the shipping address after the payment has been processed, provided that the shipment has not yet been dispatched. It is important to note that there may be additional costs or changes in shipping costs based on the new delivery address.
Any differences in shipping costs between the original address provided at the time of auction or buy-now payment and the new address will be charged to the registered credit card for the order. Before proceeding with any additional charges, you will be informed of the amount and will need to confirm acceptance of the additional cost. Furthermore, it is important to note that if the shipping to the new delivery address turns out to be lower in cost than the original address, no refund or compensation will be issued.
We recommend ensuring that you carefully enter the desired shipping address at the time of auction win to avoid inconvenience or additional costs.
CharityStars ships from various countries around the world. Importation may be subject to customs duties, VAT, excise duties, import taxes and customs clearance charges in the country of importation, depending on the country of the recipient. These additional charges are the responsibility of the buyer.
CharityStars has no influence on customs procedures and will be managed directly by the courier, with the balance paid on delivery or electronically on the official website.
If the item cannot be delivered to the shipping address indicated, it must be returned to the sender. CharityStars will check with the customer and the courier what happened. The customer is obliged to pay for the second shipment if the error was made by the customer, for example if you provide an incorrect address or refuse to receive the order.
Unfortunately, combining shipments into a single cost is not always possible due to the physical location of each item. It will be at the discretion of CharityStars to evaluate each case to understand whether it is feasible to proceed with a single shipment. Where possible we will always try to deliver your purchases as few deliveries as possible.
Shipping costs may vary depending on the country of destination and the size or weight of the item purchased. The cost is calculated as soon as the auction closes.