Win a Personalised Christmas Message from Kelly Brook

抽奖活动 支持 Global’s Make Some Noise





2 票券

Your entries could mean someone experiencing domestic abuse can reach out for advice and support online.

捐赠 £10

3 票券

Your support could create a friendship for an older person who is feeling more alone than ever.

捐赠 £15

4 票券

Your help could provide hot meals for two weeks to a family struggling to put food on the table.

捐赠 £20

5 票券

Your help could provide urgent nursing care at home for a child with a life-limiting condition.

捐赠 £25

6 票券

Your help could provide 30 minutes of trauma therapy for a young person who has lost someone they love.

捐赠 £30

10 票券

Your support could fund a mental health crisis counseling call that could potentially save a person’s life.

捐赠 £50






Thanks Kelly. Great idea and way to utilise your super stardom for charity :)

Barry O'Sullivan3 年 ago

I am very happy to donate for an important cause. Two of my biggest issues are abuse to women and especially children. Even without a personalized I’m more than happy to do this and I commend you for being part of this topic. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, may you & all your loved ones have a happy and safe holiday!!! Collin Peters

匿名3 年 ago

Ciao kelly spero di aver aiutato qualcuno che ha bisogno . Un grande abbraccio in questo momento di difficoltà per tutto il mondo

Valerio Masia3 年 ago

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