#HelpfromHome - Join the Fight Against Coronavirus

项目 支持 Project HOPE

Help the most vulnerable among us.


In this time of uncertainty, we have a responsibility to help those who need it most. For this reason, your contribution will directly benefit Project HOPE.

Project HOPE places power in the hands of local health care workers to save lives across the globe. They are currently working to ensure that personal protective equipment (PPE) is available to protect the courageous health workers risking their lives, on a daily basis, to save ours.

This equipment includes face masks, isolation gowns, protective coveralls and gloves, because without it, these heroes are continually putting their own health in jeopardy, as well as the health of their own families, to keep us all safe and healthy.

In addition to providing PPE, Project HOPE will also work with local communities to identify where they can support additional needs as they develop, as they continue to stay on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic.

Please note, everything you donate (minus a maximum 2% credit card processing fee) will go directly to the benificiaries. 


¡Ayuda a las personas más vulnerables entre nosotros!

En este momento de incertidumbre, tenemos la responsabilidad de darle la mano a quien más lo necesita. Por esta razón, su donación beneficiará directamente a Project HOPE.
Project HOPE apoya directamente a especialistas en salud a salvar vidas alrededor del mundo. Actualmente, se encuentran trabajando para garantizar equipos de protección individual (EPI) a médicos, enfermeros, y tecnólogos que arriesgan sus vidas y la seguridad de sus seres queridos, a diario, para salvar la nuestra. Este equipo incluye máscaras, batas, overoles, y guantes protectores.
Además de proporcionar este equipo protector, Project HOPE se encuentra liderando esfuerzos en comunidades para identificar dónde pueden apoyar a medida que continúan en alzada los casos del Corona Virus, ya declarado una pandemia por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS).

Toda donación (excepto la tarifa de procesamiento de tarjetas de crédito, como máximo un 2%) irá directamente a Project HOPE. 

  • CharityStars will not apply any transaction charges to your donation. Everything you donate (less credit card processing fee, which is less than 2%) will be given to the beneficiary cause.



