



Win an unforgettable experience at the Luigi Ferraris Stadium during the Inter-Cagliari match, valid for the 33rd day of the 2017/18 Serie A TIM Championship.

You and a friend can watch the exciting Inter-Cagliari match, scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 8:45 p.m., from exclusive seats in the Central Tribune.

This auction allows 2 fans to spend an unforgettable day, including hospitality service, in the marvelous setting of Marassi.

The experience is valid for two people and includes the following benefits:

  • Dedicated access to the stadium
  • Grandstand seats - 1st category tickets
  • Buffet catering service (drinks included) 

The service starts 1.5 hours before the kick-off. During the interval, desserts will be offered in the hospitality room.

The winning bidder must provide participants' name, surname, date and place of birth within one hour of the auction deadline in order to clear the names in a security check.

物品 #P22624

  • 总人数: 2.
  • Experience may not be resold or re-auctioned.
  • Travel and accommodation not included.
  • We expect all winning bidders and guests to conduct themselves appropriately and be polite and respectful at all times.


