

One Sporting World is an athlete purpose movement generating funds for good causes. delivered by athletes across the globe, the winning bidder will have the choice of Olympian and their country for this activity.

In this online experience, we'll delve into what life is like as an Olympic athlete and competing on the Olympic, World, and Continental circuits, as well as what life is like post elite sports.

The ATHLETE will provide you with a short presentation of their journey followed by a Q &A session, where you can ask anything. Then the workout.
Everyone knows athletes like to train hard, so our workout will be challenging and sweaty, but also a lot of fun. By the sessions end you will leave feeling, inspired and energised.

This is a 60 minutes, individual activity.

You will be given dates and Olympian to choose from.

Guests just need gym wear and a towel.

Please note that the Olympians may be busy at the Olympics Games in Tokyo at the moment and therefore not able to schedule the experience before September 2021.

物品 #P50593

  • Experience may not be resold or re-auctioned.
  • Cannot be transferred.
  • To be scheduled at a mutually agreeable date.


