



Join the Entella training session and watch all the excitement of Entella - Varese!

By winning this auction you can treat yourself to an unforgettable day, along with a friend.

You can attend the the team training on May 4, experiencing it all directly from the sideline; you can meet the players, the coach Luca Prina, and the coaching staff. It will be an unforgettable day.

It does not end here: Virtus Entella also invites the two winners to attend the game against Varese on Tuesday, April 28 (20.30) from the stands of the Municipal Chiavari stadium. It is of the most prestigious areas of the stadium with access to Hospitality (buffet lunch included in the package) .

Virtus Entella have decided to auction this item to support White Dove 

Conditions: Visti i tempi ristrettissimi l'aggiudicatario dovrà effettuare il pagamento e comunicare il nominativo del partecipante TASSATIVAMENTE entro 2 ore dalla chiusura dell'astaThe experience at the training session will be held on Monday, May 4; the same winners will attend the game Entella - Varese on Tuesday, April 28, at 20.30. Entrance will be allowed for two people, whose names are to be given immediately after the end of the auction. Payment must be made within 48 hours of the auction closing. Need more information? Email [email protected] or ring us on 0203 301 5800.

Live a dream, make a change

物品 #P4043


