



"Eva" by AdalgisArt.

Dimensions: 25cm x 25cm x 4,5cm
White frame 
Vintage comics and paper
Year: 2020 (under lockdown)

About the Artwork:

All the artworks of this cycle (created during the quarantine) have a common denominator: to use comics or old books to remember the passing of time and its signs visible on paper as on people. All the comics and books used are part of the artist's childhood memories.

Eva as a sort of heroine who does not always do the right things but who fascinates the reader for her beauty and cunning. His figure emerged in the artist's creativity during the quarantine and was a way of escape. The fragility and, at the same time, the resistance of the paper explains what we faced during this pandemic, which made us even more aware of our existence hanging by a thread but capable, at the right time, of pulling out our strength.

About the Artist:

Adalgisa De Angelis (from Salerno) defines herself as an experienced artisan and an artist with a big heart. She works almost exclusively on fiber art and pop art, dedicating herself to important themes such as human suffering and inner "navigation", resulting in creative and composite works.

Her professional and artistic career is full of enriching experiences in Italy and Europe.




物品 #P39847

  • In condition as donated.
  • Additional shipping charges may apply.


