



Thursday December 2 - The Parma Calcio 1913 cap worn by new manager Giuseppe Iachini for his first training session with the Crociati.

The first object to be auctioned off in this special "Crociato Advent" calendar is the cap that Iachini wore for his first training session with Parma Calcio.

On the day his name was announced as the new Parma Calcio manager, the cap immediately sold out in the club's official online store.

This item is unique not only because it was worn by the manager himself, but also because he has signed it as part of his contribution to this charity initiative.

Every year, the first day of December marks the beginning of advent. This year Parma Calcio has decided to create a special "Crociato Advent" calendar for a charitable cause with the proceeds going to Emporio Solidale di Parma, a project of solidarity, hope and sharing set up by a group of the city's voluntary associations to fight poverty.

From Thursday December 2, special memorabilia and experiences will be auctioned off every day with a total of 23 auctions, each lasting seven days. The auctions will be announced on Parma Calcio's social media channels.




物品 #P66895

  • In condition as donated.


