

If one of your dreams is to be a real Queen of the kitchen, this is the right time for you to obtain the Benedetta Parodi book, one of the most popular and appreciated italian TV presenters. To motivate you even more, Benedetta will personalize her latest book "Mettiamoci a Cucinare" with a dedication. You have no more excuses!

It will be a unique opportunity, to be among the first five people to buy it. You will receive an incomparable book that will help you to create delicious dishes, but, above all, you will contribute to support the cause championed by Benedetta Parodi and the non-profit organization aiutare i bambini.

The project: Aiutare i bambini - Cuore di bimbi

Conditions: the successful tenderer will be informed by email and will receive the item within 7 working days after the auction have been closed. The dedication must be no longer than 140 letters. Do you have any doubt? Write to [email protected] or call us at 0039 02 49762138.

Memorabilia for a cause!


物品 #P45


