



Please note: This lot closed on our platform on October 10th, 2016 at 6:00am EDT but was part of a live auction on October 11th. For questions visit our help center.

Please note: this auction is part of a lot that will be auctioned off during an event gala. Please read the livebidding conditions below

Win the outstanding work of Drill Monkeys Art Duo

The work was carried out this year, Superman's face is made in 3D with 3000 self-tapping screws, while the body and the buildings in the background are printed in high definition. The dimensions are 120 x 82 x 8 cm.

Drill Monkeys, The duo was created in 2012 by Emanuele Palermo who was born in 1985 and studied art and Alessandro Padovan, who was born in 1983 and studied technical drawing. They are both art lovers, and thus decides to experiment with a new technique using the technique of painting on screws. The aim of their work is to break the usual boundary between painting and sculpture. The art is made of screws, inserted with different depths, to give three-dimensionality to the works and are the primary medium through which their subjects take shape. Each project is based on a succession of experiences and the ongoing search for new influences.

Each project is based on a succession of experiences and the ongoing search for new influences. Currently their main sources of inspiration are graffiti, pop art and comics.

The Duo has exhibited art at the Galery, rue du Chateau 06360 Eze (France), Gallery Ghiggini in Varese, in Dozzi Gallery in Castelletto Ticino (NO), the Tadini Space in Milan, at the Affordable Art Fair 2015, the trade fair and ArtExpo2015 a barge at the dock on the canals.

In March 2016 they were invited by the Affordable Art Fair in Milan to an take part in an artistic performance at the fair and on the Gallery Gio 'Art of Lucca where they unveiled two pieces.

The certificate of authenticity is attached to the work.

Links to social networks: it-it.facebook.com/Drill-Monkeys-Art-Duo-1434271740160263/

Aggiudicati l'eccezionale opera dei Drill Monkeys Art Duo

L'opera è stata realizzata quest'anno, dove il volto di Superman è realizzato in 3D con circa 3000 viti autofilettanti, mentre il corpo ed i palazzi sullo sfondo sono stampati in alta definizione. Le dimensioni sono 120 x 82 x 8 cm.

Il duo Drill Monkeys nasce nel 2012 dall’incontro di Emanuele Palermo e Alessandro Padovan, (classe 1985 e studi artistici il primo, classe 1983 e disegno tecnico per il secondo). Entrambi appassionati di arte, con propri percorsi stilistici, decidono di sperimentare insieme un nuovo linguaggio utilizzando la tecnica della pittura su viti. L'intento del loro lavoro è infrangere l'abituale confine che separa la pittura dalla scultura. Le viti, inserite con differenti profondità, donano tridimensionalità alle loro opere e rappresentano il medium principale attraverso il quale i loro soggetti prendono forma. Ogni progetto nasce da un susseguirsi di esperienze e dalla continua ricerca di nuove influenze. Attualmente le loro maggiori fonti d'ispirazione sono il graffitismo, la pop art e i fumetti.

Link ai social network : it-it.facebook.com/Drill-Monkeys-Art-Duo-1434271740160263/

Il Duo ha esposto presso La Galery, rue Du Chateau 06360 Eze (Francia), in Galleria Ghiggini a Varese, in Galleria Dozzi a Castelletto Ticino (NO), allo Spazio Tadini a Milano, ad Affordable Art Fair 2015, alla fiera ArtExpo2015 e su una chiatta alla Darsena sui Navigli.

Nel Marzo del 2016 sono stati invitati da Affordable Art Fair a Milano per una performance artistica all'interno della fiera e tramite la Galleria Gio' Art di Lucca espongono due pezzi.

Il certificato di autenticità è allegato all'opera. 


物品 #L1646


