



City Academy is a leading London-based creative and performing arts company. Our inclusive classes create instant community as you learn from top industry experts online or in studio. We specialise in dance, acting, singing, musical theatre, comedy, art, writing, communication skills, filmmaking and photography classes for adults.

This £300 voucher can be put towards any of the City Academy courses both online and in-person. Long-form acting is excluded as these courses require an audition process.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Expires 6 months from event.
  • Public courses are for people over the age of 18.
  • If someone under 18 is a winner, they would need to book a private class with a suitable tutor in person or online - or contact City Academy to extend the expiry date of the voucher until they turn 18.
  • Voucher cannot be applied to foundation courses, ongoing groups, show tickets and on-going courses.
  • Winners would be welcome to use part of their voucher to pay for a taster to these, but if they wanted to join, a direct debit per month would apply.


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  • Experience may not be resold or re-auctioned.
  • Cannot be transferred.
  • To be scheduled at a mutually agreeable date.


