
Pink Night by Pallacanestro Varese

On the occasion of the pink month dedicated to the prevention of breast cancer, Pallacanestro Varese took the field again with the CAOS Association (Centro Ascolto Operate al Seno) and the Breast Unit ASST Sette Laghi.

Research, exchange of knowledge, consideration of the person, education and solidarity are the strengths of the battle of civilization that is the fight against cancer and which sees Varese Basketball deeply sensitive and participating since last season in the campaign to raise awareness, support and prevention of breast cancer.

On October 15, 2023 on the occasion of the game Vs Derthona Basket the team wore unique pink uniforms and the whole arena, with its fans, was tinged with pink thus involving all the fans in the awareness activity.

Now one of the pink uniforms, worn by Pallacanestro Basket basketball players, can be yours!



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