VS DAD Onlus is an association that helps and supports women, men and children who are victims of violence, abuse, mistreatment and stalking.

Its been 15 years that SVS DAD ONLUS has been supporting the workers of the Domestic and Sexual Violence Rescue of the IRCCS Foundation, within the Mangiagalli Clinic of Milan to offer, in addition to health and psychological assistance from public services, offering concrete support for the difficult path out of the violence.

The association has a very important objective: offering support and assistance to the people suffering from violence. That means many things, being available to lend an ear, activate a grid of positive relationships, find an emergency refuge, lend an immediate financial support, and accompany the person until social reinsertion and lastly assuring that the victims have a proper legal representative.

Since 2007 the association has been working with the City of Milano one convention at a time and support the orienting and legal assistance of female victims of violence and mistreatments requiring urgent protection.

On December 7th 2009, the SVS DAD ONLUS received the Ambrogino d’Oro from the mayor of Milan for being the “reference center for women suffering from violence, a light for the city: the association is not only an approach center but most importantly a starting point for a new life. Thank to the work of the restless volunteers many women have been able to overcome the pain and rebuilt trust”

On the 8th of June, with the deliberation of 1240, the City of Milano has signed, along with the SVS DAD ONLUS and 6 other antiviolence associations, the protocol of the agreement is to reinforce the actions to prevent and contrast the phenomenon of violence against women.

The association is able to function thanks to contributions, primarly volunteres, of a group of proffessionals: doctors, gynecologists, psychologists, social workers, lawyers and sociologists.

The president of SVS DAD Onlus is Roberta De Leo, Vicepresident of Loredana Maspes and scientific director of Alessandra Kustermann.


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