Supporting Small Steps Project

Small Steps Project is a children’s charity dealing with the most devastating humanitarian consequence of the global waste problem: child waste pickers. 

All over the world thousands of children survive by collecting and recycling rubbish on landfill sites. Deprived of an education, they work when they should be at school and put their lives at risk on a daily basis. Work on the dumps is dirty and dangerous. As well as respiratory and skin diseases, cuts and lacerations to their hands and feet are commonplace and risk of infection is extremely high in the toxic environment. 

Small Steps Project provides shoes to protect their feet and support to enable them to take small steps off the dump sites, out of poverty and into education. 

To date, Small Steps Project has provided shoes and aid to over 20,000 children thanks to the money raised from shoes, all donated and signed by some of the most famous celebrities in the world.
