SOStegno 70 per Un brutto t1po

Associazione Onlus was founded in 2001 by a group of parents of children and young people with diabetes, with the support of the Center for Endocrinology of Childhood and Adolescence of the H S. Raffaele University Scientific Institute in Milan, regional center for diabetes in developmental age.

The Association gives important support to children, young people and their families from the onset of the illness, operating at the Pediatric Clinic of the H S. Raffaele University Scientific Institute in Milan and the Pediatric Clinic at the Spedali Civili Hospital of Brescia.

In addition to the meticulous work of the doctors of the Pediatric Clinics and our volunteers, this commitment also requires the precious contribution of friends and associates to support the Founding Group in making the Association known throughout the national territory.
