Sistema Orchestre e Cori Giovanili e Infantili in Italia Onlus

Sistema delle Orchestre e dei Cori Giovanili e Infantili Onlus was founded in 2010 in Italy. Its main value is that music can educate people and help them integrate into the community.

Thanks to free access to musical courses, both for kids and adults, the charity offers the possibility to learn how to play instruments and sing, and it teaches people a sense of responsibility and the ability to be a good listener. By creating choirs and orchestras, they give hope to families living in difficult situations such as economic disavantage, illnesses and social issues.

This Italian project is inspired by "El Sistema" a similar project founded in Venezuela by Josè Antonio Abreu, who has been creating musical projects for 40 years to emancipate kids, especially those who live in the streets on their own, with the risk of joining gangs and with access to drugs after being abandoned.

It is a revolutionary project, an inspiring example of how music and general culture can save lives, where people can learn how to work in a team and how to be part of a community. Music is communication, collaboration and integration — an art that can deeply change our society.

