Scricciolo Onlus

The Association aims to promote interventions of moral, material, and psycological support in favor of the parents and family members of newborns hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of the IRCCS Burlo Garofalo in Trieste.

SCRICCIOLO reaches its objectives in particular through the donations of citizens or through companies and charitable organizations. The funds raised are used for: buy advanced technology equipment for critic infant care; start research projects, as the study of pain in the premature infant; promote projects to support parenting; achieve training projects for the NICU TEAM.

The projects currently active are: meetings with the parents in the NICU; “The Home of Mothers”, where free ospitality is offered to parents, who do not live in Trieste; the “Home Visiting Project” which help families in the delicate post – discharge phase. Phisiotherapists and pshichologys support the parents to overcome the uncertainties of a problematic birth.

The next project that “Scricciolo” would like to develop is to guaranteed “Follow-up to pre-school age” for severely preterm children, in order to identify possible criticalities in school age.
