One Drop

Water is powerful and when used wisely, it can change the world. We believe that providing access to water is not an end in itself. It is a means of accelerating community development. It is about securing futures. 

To achieve true long-term sustainability, we go above and beyond. We believe in the combined power of providing access to safe water while inspiring behavioral change with respect to water and proper hygiene practices. And we do it by creating a lasting understanding through social arts to create an emotional connection with communities—influencing positive change and transforming behaviors. They’re the kind of winning conditions we need to help communities.

Access. Behavior. Capital. These are the three active components that we employ to form a united force to help communities reach self-reliance when it comes to water for consumption and productive purposes, sanitation and hygiene. The combined power of these three components is the unique formula that makes our water access and sanitation projects sustainable. 
