Missione Sogni Onlus

Missione Sogni Onlus is a non-profit committee that has been active throughout Italy since 2003. Its mission is to help children aged 5-15 affected by serious illness and disabilities make their dreams come true.

A seriously ill or disabled child lives quite a different reality from his/her peers. Their lives are made up of isolation, loneliness, fear and pain. The illness prevents that child from living a typical, carefree lifestyle, made up of school, playtime, family vacations and spending simple family time together.

Making their dreams come true gives young patients the chance to escape reality and get help in confronting their illnesses and treatments, as well as renew their enthusiasm for life.

Besides making their dreams come true, since May 2011 Missione Sogni has decided to provide these young children with gardens inside some of Milan’s most renowned hospitals. These gardens teach children how to grow plants and learn healthy eating habits. It offers them the opportunity to leave their ward and stay outdoors in the company of other children.
