Maith Onlus

Maith Onlus works in the field of Pet Therapy, according to the operational protocol of the national Italian guidelines. It helps patients all over Italy in private and public healthcare facilities. The "work assistants" are dogs, cats, rabbits and other small animals.

Bioethically speaking, studies show that the relationship that can be formed between humans and animals is comparable to that of interpersonal relations. Therefore, in every interaction there is an exchange of feelings, affection, and emotions that mutually influences the subjects. We have elaborated a model that is respectful of the identity of all the figures involved, including the animals. It takes into account not only the element of diversity but even the inevitable, asymmetrical nature of the relationship.

The Association is the seat of the training internship for the University of Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Department of Education Sciences - Master's program in Pet Therapy.


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