Lega Italiana Fibrosi Cistica Onlus (LIFC)

LIFC is the only association in Italy that takes cares of all aspects of life of the patients, and their families suffering from cystic fibrosis, from quality cures to the quality of life, from social involvement to promoting research programs to help improve premature diagnosis, from cure to rehabilitation. Just in Italy, the cystic fibrosis has struck nearly 4,500 people. It is a hereditary disease that forces the patients to daily therapy for the rest of their lives. This pathology does not only affect those with the disease, but also the family, extending its effects and the related problems of handling the disease to tens of thousands of people. In 2005, LFC founded the European institute for Cystic Fibrosis Research (IERFC), with the goal of promoting and realizing the research, with the goal of discovering new therapies with clinical interventions of short-medium lengths.
