God’s Love We Deliver

God’s Love We Deliver (God’s Love) is the New York metropolitan area’s leading provider of life-sustaining meals and nutrition counseling for people living with severe illnesses. Begun as an HIV/AIDS service organization, today God’s Love provides for people living with more than 200 individual diagnoses. God’s Love cooks and home delivers the specific, nutritious meals a client’s severe illness and treatment so urgently require. Meals are individually tailored for each client by one of our Registered Dietitian Nutritionists, and all clients have access to unlimited nutrition counseling.

God’s Love supports families by providing meals for the children and senior caregivers of its clients. All of the agency’s services are provided free of charge, and in its history of 30 years, God’s Love We Deliver has never had a waiting list. To date, nearly 18 million meals have been cooked and delivered. God’s Love is a non-sectarian organization.
