Fondazione Vialli e Mauro per la Ricerca e lo Sport Onlus

The Vialli and Mauro Foundation for Research and Sport Onlus was born in Turin in 2003 by the will of Gianluca Vialli and Massimo Mauro and operates with the aim of allocating funds for the prevention and treatment of cancer and medical scientific research on ALS- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

At the basis of the activities of the Vialli and Mauro Foundation are the love for life, the desire to act concretely and to always be transparent, maintaining the synergy with realities that represent excellence in the field of scientific research and therapeutic approaches against cancer and ALS. This is one of the reasons why, as a form of guarantee, the two former champions have chosen to put their names on the Foundation's letterhead.

In 2008, the Vialli and Mauro Foundation joined the main Italian actors in the fight against ALS in the scientific and philanthropic fields - Cariplo Foundation, Telethon Foundation and AISLA onlus - to give life to AriSLA-Italian Foundation for Research for ALS, with the aim of making investments and opportunities in ALS research more incisive and effective, and since 2018 he has been a participating member of the Serena Foundation which manages the NeMO Clinical Centers within the National Health System.

Furthermore, another objective is very important to us, the promotion and development of activities for the diffusion of sport, and in particular of football, as a historical and cultural phenomenon.

Sport, especially team sport, leads to values such as fairness, observance of the rules, respect for others and solidarity. It teaches to accept defeats to enjoy victories even more and to recognize the value of the opponent.

Funding research is our favorite sport!
