Fondazione Radioterapia Oncologica Onlus

The Fondazione Radioterapia Oncologica (FRO) was born in 1988, at the request of some patients, and on the initiative of some Doctors. The denomination immediately wanted to identify the specific field to which the Foundation addresses itself: the therapy of tumors through the use of ionizing radiations and the anticancer drugs that may or may not be associated with these.

The Foundation intends to carry out support and/or support for the institutional activity of the Oncological Radiotherapy Department of the Careggi University Hospital of Florence.
In particular, the Foundation has the purpose of promoting and increasing assistance to people affected by cancer and the education and activity of those who wish to dedicate themselves or are already dedicating themselves to scientific research activities with particular regard to research in the oncological field, promoting and encouraging, also through the establishment of research centres, initiatives aimed at deepening and spreading the knowledge of these disciplines for the purposes of scientific, social and cultural progress.

In particular, the areas of operation of the Foundation are:
- support the development of research activity in the oncological field
- acquisition of materials and structures suitable for a greater impulse of scientific research and of materials and machinery for analysis and treatment
- improvement of the structures used for hospitalization and treatment of the sick and the improvement of the quality of reception and stay of patients
- scientific preparation of medical and non-medical personnel, scholarships
- support the training of the personnel of the "Department"
- support the scientific research activities carried out by the "Department"
- development of local rooting initiatives.
