Fondazione Cannavaro Ferrara

The Cannavaro Ferrara Foundation was set up in May 2005 by Neapolitan champions - brothers Fabio and Paolo Cannavaro and Ciro Ferrara - to provide concrete support to their home city.

Over the months marked in which the Covid-19 emergency put the most at-risk families, the vulnerable and the homeless in serious difficulty, the Cannavaro Ferrara Foundation decided to support the Naples area by launching an online campaign.

Je sto vicino a te: United for Naples. 

The campaign was launched in 2020 to support those worst affected by the coronavirus emergency. The project was set up at a time of emergency but today the Cannavaro Ferrara Foundation continues to operate in close proximity to the most needy families.

The auctions for Lozano's or Corradi's shirt will contribute to continuing the project as Sto sempre vicino a te: United for Naples.



At the moment, there are no campaigns in this section.