Fata Onlus

FATA ONLUS is an Association of families willing to foster disadvantaged minors.

The hope given by a family that welcomes a child with open arms is an anecdote against suffering, abandonment and abuse that a lot of children are faced with in our society.

We have the child’s interest at heart, and our objective is that the minor may find a healthy family environment that can care for him and give him the right to be loved and to grow up with dignity and independence.

FATA – Famiglie Temporanea Accoglienza ONLUS (Temporary Family Care) was founded in 1999 in Cesano Boscone by a group of families who following their first hand experience in foster care decided to promote it and specialize in it in order to offer their services to children and adolescents in need.

With this in mind, in 2001 the first educational center for minors (EOS) was inaugurated. The center welcomes the children but also selects and trains foster families to care for their young guests in an ideal care and growth context: the family.

Thanks to the collaboration with the Italian Social Services and support from generous individuals, the association has grown and developed to the structure it is today.

From 1999 to today FATA:

·  has opened 8 welcome facilities and psychoeducational support for minors and 3 educational communities;

·  has welcomed and cared for over 80 kids;

·  has protected meetings with over 70 families and their families;

·  has trained and involved over 45 volunteers in it’s activities.
