Failatuaparte was set up in January 2015 by a group of young people who want to spread the culture of solidarity and social equity.

Failatuaparte is, above all, the idea of solidarity. It stems from the awareness that each of us can contribute to the well-being of others through small gestures. Failatuaparte is a way to help other people. One person at a time, in a practical way. Engaging in their lives, helping them achieving their next goal, bringing them closer to the next stage of their personal life journey. Failatuaparte is a network of people giving their jobs, their time and above all their enthusiasm to help other people. Totally for free.

The aims of Failatuaparte are:

  • to help people in difficulty one by one;
  • to promote the idea of ​​a world that is more aware of its reality and what we be done to make things better;
  • to remind everyone that we can (and must) help others even if we have little;
  • to help others to organize events with the same purpose
