Emporio Solidale di Parma

Emporio Solidale di Parma, a project of solidarity, hope and sharing set up by a group of the city's voluntary associations to fight growing poverty in this time of serious economic and social crisis. Solidarity, the fight against waste and social responsibility are the fundamental values ​​that underpin the charity's mission.

The project began in 2009 when a network of voluntary associations promoted by the Parma Volunteer Service Center - Solidarity Forum met with the aim of identifying new models to combat both old and new poverty.

The "Emporio - Market Solidale" project took shape at a regional level, thanks also to the experiences and positive feedback from the Emporio di Prato, which was formed in 2010 with the opening of a physical store.

For over 10 years, the Emporio-Market Solidale has been managed by CENTOPERUNO ONLUS which brings together the founding associations: Il Portico, Assistenza Pubblica, Fondazione CEIS, San Cristoforo, Betania, Per ricominciare, Coordinamento Provinciale Centri Sociali e Orti, CIAC, Casa Della Giovane, Anello Mancante and AUSER.

