Fondazione Europea per l'anemia Diamond Blackfan - DBA

The European Foundation for Diamond Blackfan Anemia - Onlus (DBA Foundation) promotes, selects and finances advanced research projects to improve the duration and quality of life of patients and, ultimately, cure DBA.

The European Foundation for DBA (acronym) is responsible for carrying out scientific research not within its own laboratory but via agreements with Italian and European universities in order to find new treatments for Diamond Blackfan Anemia.

Diamond-Blackfan Anemia is a rare and poorly understood disease. Discovered in the 1930s and today classified as a rare genetic disease, Diamond-Blackfan Anemia is a chronic anemia that affects children in the first year of life.

The European Foundation for Diamond Blackfan Anemia - Onlus was created to be able to assist all those suffering from Diamond-Blackfan Anemia in Italy, to carry out research, to offer support and to share experiences. Because some challenges are best faced together.


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