Croce Rossa Italiana - Comitato Regionale Veneto

The Italian Red Cross is committed to spreading a culture of road safety among children and young people by informing and raising awareness on how to stay protected and alert and how to rescue and behave on the road.

Information and prevention on incorrect driving styles are essential to reduce the risk of accidents and negative consequences on people's health. The Italian Red Cross, like its sister societies in the rest of the world, aims to protect and safeguard life and prevent suffering. Young volunteers aged between 14 and 31 years fit into the territorial context in which the Association operates with prevention activities aimed at raising awareness among young people and adults in outdoor events, clubs and schools.

Rudy Project works within the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, actively promoting sport as an essential element for leading a healthy life and staying healthy at all ages. Cycling is in Rudy Project's DNA and aims to raise awareness of as many people as possbile about road safety and the prevention of bike accidents by using helmets and complying with the rules and correct behavior on the road by for motorists and cyclists. This is why Rudy Project has decided to support the Italian Red Cross.
