CBM Italia Onlus

CBM is the largest international humanitarian organization committed to the prevention and treatment of blindness and avoidable disabilities in the countries of the South of the world. CBM Italia Onlus is part of CBM, which was founded in 1908 to assist, treat, include and provide a better
quality of life to people with disabilities living in the world’s poorest countries.

CBM is made of 11 national associations (Australia, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, New Zealand, USA,South Africa and Switzerland) who together support projects and actions in the fields of medicine and health-care, rehabilitation and education. In 2016 CBM Italia provided support to 61 projects in 26 countries. Globally, CBM provided support to 628 projects in 59 countries worldwide, reaching out to more than 28 million people.

In Italy we are committed to informing and raising public awareness of life conditions of people with visual disabilities through unique events such as “BLIND DATE - CONCERT IN THE DARK” aimed at enabling the audience to undergo - albeit only metaphorically - the emotions experienced by people treated by CBM oculists in the move from the darkness of blindness to the light of vision.

Donating sight is like donating life.
