Associazione Malattie del Sangue Onlus

The non-profit Blood Disease Association came about in order to help the Complex Hematology structure at Niguarda Ca’ Granda Hospital in Milan obtain excellence and progress in curing blood diseases.

The non-profit Blood Disease Association works towards improving the possibility of healing and of improving the quality of life of patients. It also contributes to building a future where hematological diseases will no longer be feared.

Advanced therapies for curing the disease require sophisticated technology as well as constant updates for doctors and technical staff. The health system can’t keep up with all the latest innovations. Faced with the necessity of deployment of resources, the availability of expenses is in constant reduction. Budget cuts allow for a reduction in waste but they also impoverish the health services offered rather than improving them.

The non-profit Blood Disease Association can be found within the organizational structure of Complex Hematology:

1. in order to guarantee the presence of doctors and nurses dedicated to the assistance and to clinical research

2. to support advanced biological research 

3. to support training, updates and scientific publication

The non-profit Blood Disease Association believes that progress and the optimization in research should always go hand in hand with attention, capability to listen to the patient and doctor-patient relationships.

Follow all the activities of the non-profit Blood Disease Association on their official website
