Associazione Il Cireneo Onlus

The charitable “Il Cireneo” Onlus Association was founded on May 24, 2001 to support the recovery of Matteo Pio Colella, Maria Lucia Ippolito’s son who is the founder of this project. Matteo’s pain and suffering followed by their joy at his recovery (credited to a miracle which canonized Padre Pio), pushed his mother, friends and family to become supporters and spokespersons of a Christian support group which helps other families who are overwhelmed by grief. Padre Pio is known as the “Simon of Cyrene” from Gargano, and is at the heart of worship for mortal suffering. As Jesus Christ taught us, only through faith and active prayer we can filter pain and give social activity a deeper meaning.

The association welcomes everyone regardless of religious belief or social background. It has been promoting the values of human dignity for 17 years now and it actively targets people lacking in the necessary means to live a decent life, due to their diseases or disorders.
