2HE Center for Human Health and Environment

Safe access to the beach to spend a relaxing day with friends and family members, even for those affected by neuromotor disorders - this is the main objective of the project “IO POSSO Tutti al mare… per chi ci sta e con la SLA!” ("I can go to the beach, even with my ALS!"), invented by Gaetano Fuso, who was affected by the syndrome and was the main motivator of the slogan "I Can!", a persuasive motto for overcoming the disease every day!

The designed access points guarantee people with ALS and other neuromotor difficulties (up to a maximum number of 9) the chance to access the beach in total freedom, assisted by qualified personnel. The service is completely free, every day of the summer season between 9 am and 7 pm.

There is also a paramedic kit to support the staff in case of emergency (three mechanical pulmonary fans, two surgical aspirators, an oxygen therapy device and a defibrillator). All of these devices, usually only available to patients at home, are now available on the beach! The project includes a specially-trained lifeguard to check the beach and seashore. 
