Associazione Ridolina

Your laughter is our medicine”

The Ridolina Association came about from the ten-year experience of clown doctors and smile volunteers in the Tuscany area.

It's a non-profit organization, and its activity and inspiration comes from “smile therapy”. Given the short time that it has been around, this kind of therapy has obtained scientific credit due to its results and is in constant expansion.

Its main purpose is to humanize hospital stays, with particular attention given to children in the pediatric and oncohematological wards.

It is also specialized in assisting the elderly, the disabled and disadvantaged individuals by humanizing the health structures.

The Association’s clown doctors have been active since 2001 in the S. Chiara Hospital in Pisa, in the pediatric oncohematological wards and bone marrow transplant. They have also brought their smiles in the hospitals in Lotti di Pontedera (PI), Campo di Marte in Lucca, Ceppo in Pistoia, G. Pasquinucci in Massa, as well as to to various RSA (Health Assistance Residences) in Colle val d'Elsa(Si), Poggibonsi(Si), San Gemignano(Si), Vecchiano(Pi), Madonna dell'acqua (Pi). The smile volunteers are also present at the Pediatric ER at the hospital in Lucca and the RSA in San Cataldo in Lucca.
