Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII

The Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII ONLUS is an international nonprofit organization that has been committed to combating marginalization and poverty since 1968.

It is made up of people who share their lives every day with the poor, those living on the margins, abandoned children and lonely people. In 500 realities including Family Homes, soup kitchens, nutritional centers, Bethlehem Huts for the homeless, therapeutic communities, social cooperatives and shelters, in more than 40 countries around the world, they carry out the great project of founder Don Oreste Benzi: to be the family of the homeless.
The Community also operates through humanitarian emergency and development cooperation projects, and is present in conflict zones with its own nonviolent peace corps, "Operation Dove."

Since 2006, APG23 has sat at the United Nations with Consultative Special status in ECOSOC (United Nations Economic and Social Council), serving as a spokesperson for the world's last where international leaders make decisions about the fate of humanity.


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